So you are coming to covenant university?

By: Taiwo Martha

One of the biggest lies ever told by students to fellow students is that it is extremely difficult to graduate with a first-class.

However, this might be true if you have a really low grade and you are in a higher level like 300 or 400 or 500 level. But as a fresher, you are the best candidate to start and finish your college journey on a First Class.

What constitutes a First-Class Student?

Unlike popular opinion, a first-class result doesn’t make you a first-class student. There is more to a first-class student than just a first-class grade. There are a lot of students who graduated with a first class and did not get a job. Now the question is,

“who exactly is a first-class student?”

God must be the foundation on which every other thing is built on

A student with a relationship with God

You can’t do anything until you fix your relationship with God. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. You need to put God first to enjoy any of his blessings.

There’s something about having a close relationship with your father; he is the one who reveals your purpose to you. He is the one who guides you when you read; he is the one who grants you peace of mind when the world is thrown into turmoil. God must be the foundation on which every other thing is built on.

A student with a purpose:

This answers the question “why”. What is my purpose in life? What is that thing I am here on earth to fulfil? Everybody has their own unique purpose in life, and your purpose affects your vision and therefore, your mission. As you enter CU, you will begin a course titled Total Man Concept (TMC), which aims to teach you your purpose in life. Having a purpose drastically changes the decisions you make, how you see the world and therefore, how you approach problems. When you have a purpose in life, you take your academics more seriously because you know how it affects or changes your future.

A student with a vision:

A vision is a mental picture of where you want to be unlike a purpose; this is mostly visual. It can be written in a statement form; whatever you write down would be a description of what you can see. Having a vision is having a mental picture of what your future would look like, and this way, you can begin to put things into place. For example, in most jigsaw puzzles, the final image is put on the box, so you know where each puzzle piece fits. The same applies to life. It is extremely important to have a visual image of where you want to be in life; this is where a vision board comes into place.

A student with a mission:

A mission answers the question “how”. How am I going to achieve this vision? This is where you begin to plot the roadmap of your life. You begin to ask the question “How am I going to become a successful entrepreneur?”, “How am I going to build a company that changes lives?” “How am I going to build or contribute to a better Nigeria, Africa and then the World?”. This is what having a mission answers.

A student with time management skills:

As a first-class student, it is necessary to manage your time efficiently (alternatively, managing your time effectively is a necessity). Time is money and Time is life. If you waste time, you waste not only your money but also your life. You need to have control of your time. The thing about time is that it waits for no man before you know it, you’ll be in 200 and then 300 and then BOOM 500/400 level. You need to manage your time properly so you don’t have regrets. If you’d like to know more about time management skills, check out my post “How to hone your time management skills.”

A student with self-control:

If you can’t control yourself, other factors will have control over you. Self-control is needed to bring your fleshy desires under control, or else they will ruin you. That’s why a majority of us would rather watch the new episode of our favourite series than read for a test that’s 3 days away because “there’s still time”.

A student with discipline:

Discipline is one of the hardest skills to maintain, being disciplined may be hard, but it is necessary. Discipline is what makes you wake up early in the morning of your test so you can do the final revision, it is what makes you stay up late so you can finish that assignment, it is what makes you read for that test that is 3 days away even though the new episode of “Grown-ish” just came out. Discipline is not an easy skill to hone, but it must be honed.

If you’d like to know how to increase or get a good GPA, check out my post on “How to increase or get a good GPA”. This is where I highlight the techniques I used to increase my GPA from a 3.8 to a 4.82.


David Burkus, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2020, May 12). What’s The Difference Between Vision, Mission, and Purpose?

Retrieved from

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